Permanent TSB join the Women in Tech Award as Headline Sponsor
WITA 2019 is proud to welcome Permanent TSB as headline sponsor for this year’s awards.

Permanent TSB at its core is an organisation built on a diversity of many different cultures and subcultures, established through mergers and demergers over a 200 year period. During that time, diversity has meant many different things, but now more than ever, it is important that we create a diverse and inclusive culture and environment where employees are highly engaged, motivated and that everyone who comes to work has a positive experience. We set about improving the seriousness to which we treated Diversity and Inclusion and created our D&I strategy through an inclusive process involving approximately 100 employees along with the leadership and it was launched in November 2018.
Essentially, this is a two year roadmap for Permanent TSB, where by 2020, we will be an organisation that;
• Recognise, appreciate and value difference with a clear strategy in place
• Recognise the barriers to progression and demonstrate good intent to remove them
• Leadership commitment and buy in
• Unconscious bias awareness
• Establishing Networks and groups driving change across our Bank, such as SEEN (Our Gender Equality Network), PRISM (LGBTQ+ Network) and Life Balance and Support Network.
In Permanent TSB, we firmly believe that by nurturing different perspectives, we will encourage open dialogue and new ideas in a trusting and open environment.
A diverse and inclusive organisation leads to a better understanding of customers, better decision making, improved innovation and protects against group think and unethical behaviour. Over the past number of years, we have increased our focus on achieving greater gender balance at all levels throughout Permanent TSB. Achieving gender balance is not a quick fix. However, this approach has led to an increase in female representation at Senior Leadership level in PTSB from 28% to 36%. 45% of middle managers are now female, with 51% at Team Leader/ Assistant Manager level.
Permanent TSB are also a founding member of the Dress for Success Dublin Pay Gap Reporting Pioneer Group. This group have pledged to work together over the next 12-18 months and, aligned with the methodology proposed in the pay gap draft legislation, have committed to publish early with numbers and define a bespoke narrative and strategy to move towards eradicating the pay gap between men and women.